The purpose of the Art and Environment Ministry is to plan and implement an environment in and around our worship space, centered on the liturgical seasons of The Church, to enhance the beautiful liturgies celebrated at Saint Faustina Catholic Church. We do this by augmenting the essential symbols of the liturgy with reverence, elegance and simplicity.
Ministers of Art and Environment are called to serve the parish in providing an environment for worship that will mediate the presence of God. Our goal is to care for all the elements of worship, ensuring that the total environment is clean, appropriate, authentic, beautiful and accessible. We strive to provide our parishioners the sacred spaces that they need, from the Narthex, to the Naïve, and the Altar.
Interested in serving with the Arts & Environment Team?
"The church is favored, the dwelling place of God on earth: a temple built of living stones, founded on the apostles with Jesus Christ its cornerstone." 1 Peter 2