At Pack 106 we have fun with a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to help others. We teach our Cubs that giving back is an important part of being a good citizen. Each year we partipate in four orgainized service projects as a Pack. In a typical year we will do Keeping Fulshear Beautiful in the spring and fall, Scouting for Food, and a donation drive for Blue Star Mothers. In addition to these projects many of our dens go out and do service projects on their own.
Cub Scouts from St. Faustina Pack 106, collected presents at our last pack meeting. Each den put together a shoe box sized container, filled it with gifts and made cards. We took all these boxes to Texas Children's Hospital today to deliver to the kids.
As a pack we purchased 40 containers. Our scouts did such an amazing job we quickly filled those containers and then had to start finding boxes. We ended up collecting over 500 toys and made more than 100 cards.
Our scouts had a valuable lesson in giving during the holidays.